Bible Missions has touched multiple countries around the world over the past 60+ years

Our Mission

Bible Missions, Inc is a nondenominational evangelistic Christian organization. It provides spiritual hope and physical aid to people in need. Our goal is to show the love of God and to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Enjoy The Ride

Enjoy the ride is a short devotional podcast written and narrated by Kathy Walker. In about 2 minutes get a story and verse to help you enjoy the ride of life. To start you Listening journey click here.

BOP (Bible on Placemats)

Bible on placemats is a vision Little David had where every family could sit around the dinner table and learn Bible Facts through a fun placemat.

Cabarrus Prays

We are part of a wonderful opportunity to obey John 17:21 "Father make them one that the world might believe". The vision is to have Christians of all different denominations to meet for one hour once a month to pray! More Info


Casa Sholome

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Speaking Engagements

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Center of Hope

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Our History


Ministry begins after a five hour vision of heaven traveling with his family……….preaching in places like "Angeles Temple in Los Angeles, CA, the Shrine and Philharmonic Auditoriums in southern California…..Denver, Des Moines, Omaha….the famous Cadle Tabernacle in Indianapolis where there was an overflow of 11,000…..the great Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis where over 10,000 gathered…..William Branham and Little David become a team……Filled auditoriums in Portland, Seattle, Spokane Washington, Florida, West Virginia, Ohio and Georgia



Ministry continues with overseas crusades in London's Royal Albert Hall filled to capacity with people seeking Christ… Paris where David is mocked by journalists as "boy hypnotist from America"……miracle of lady healed of blindness in Cuba stirs a great revival………..crusades with Raymond T. Richey with outstanding miracles and conversions in Houston………..meetings in the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville scene of 2 week meeting……..crusades in Rochester NY, Philadelphia, Richmond and Norfolk VA, Bangor, Maine…….suffered a death experience with a water accident……….months of recovery……….David pastors a church in Michigan…….vision for the world renewed…………traveled with Voice of Healing ministry team……………….around the world mission from Japan to Hong Kong to India to Italy to Berlin…………marries Kathleen McDonald in Zion Gospel Temple in 1959 whom he met while preaching at Zion Bible Institute in E. Providence, RI.



Mission journey to Russia………preaching across America in crusades…….pioneered a church in Virginia as they began their family of three children………….missionary crusade in Jamaica where 3000 responded to a single altar call…….mission outreach to Haiti……….witnessed 1000 new converts baptized in the Caribbean…..some health and financial problems but God gave the victory……….put the church in good hands and moved to the Shenandoah Valley



The entire Walker Family formed an evangelistic team and ministered across America in a motor home…..tents, auditoriums, and churches………Mission outreaches to Korea, Viet Nam, Philippines, Indonesia, ……David and Kathy preached in Guatemala 10 days after terrible earthquake…..crusades in Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Peru………………..the entire family went to Chile…..many local churches were built as a result of the conversions and healings.



Ministry continues across America and overseas…………Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii and Canada……………several pilgrimages to Israel and Egypt……preached in Panama for two months closing with 25,000 attending stadium crusade…………….returned to Haiti and Mexico………….David and Kathy become grandparents.



Traveled to Cuba …..were able to bring in many bibles for pastors…..met converts from the 1950 crusade…..rejoiced to see 93 churches surviving the years of communism ……Bogota Columbia where hundreds of teenagers converted………built addition to Bible School……mission outreaches to Poland, Hungry Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia and Russia……….special ministry to Ukraine…………..ministry continues in America…………..began leading volunteer mission teams………..ministry in stadiums begins in Mexico……David celebrates 50 years in ministry.



Crusades continue in Mexico in Bullrings, Stadiums, Soccer Fields and Arenas……..23 major outreaches were conducted with thousands being converted to Christ…….large woman's conferences ……pastor seminars led by pastor's going with the Walkers………reports of physical healings, conversions and spiritual victories…churches were built in many of the cities where crusades were held….Nick and Ruth Pino missionaries were the coordinators…………..Family Festivals held in fairgrounds in cities in USA….Many teams were taken to Romania and containers of supplies sent to help…crusades in Panama and Dominican Republic…………… the end of the decade the Life Story of Little David and Kathy was released………THE JOURNEY………… WALKING WITH THE WALKERS ………ministry continues……